Monday, February 13, 2006

for someone to listen

I was sitting down to write my journal. the pages of book were all tattered and torn. i had this book since i was kid . mummy gave it to me a birthday gift and i clearly remembered the words she said
"there are things u might not want to talk to mummy about. maybe writing it here next time someone can share all these secrets with u " she smiled and gave me a hug

so i did .

Day 5340
today's my birthday. aunt claire baked a chocolate fudge cake. it was nice.
i miss mum.

"freak" i said as a drop of water wet my book. i touched my eye.
i continued writing

i miss mum alot. i just hope i could find someone i know well enough. so that being alone is not so painful.

my eyes hurt and i placed my pen down. i laid on my bed looking at the ceiling. it was a star and a moon. thoughts just seem to all fly in no matter how hard i tried to fan them away. it is annoying.

"mummy! look ! a star and a moon appeared in my room!"
" yes yes . mummy put it there" she laughed. her laugh was so soft and warm. so engaging
" mummy why a star and a moon?"
" cause i am the moon and you are my star. means no matter where mummy goes. mummy will shine so that you can shine with find the moon you will find mummy"
she hugged me and said that.

the mmoon no longer shine. the star was lost. i was lost. mummy's gone.

Kim took the blanket and hid her head. that night the moon shone brightly into her room. she didnt see it.


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